Hip and Knee Surgeon Appointments
How to Make an Appointment and What to Bring
If you are a new patient you will need a referral from a doctor, such as your General Practitioner, another specialist or an emergency department doctor.
You can drop the referral in to the office, post it or fax it.
Based on the letter, you will be offered an appointment. If this doesn’t happen, please contact the clinic to check that we have received your referral. Dr Martin does have urgent appointments available where appropriate. Dr Martin has also recently opened up some new clinic time for private patients that would like to pursue hip or knee replacements in the private system, to take the pressure off the public system.
Please be aware that in some instances the initial appointment may be made quite far down the track. For public patients with hip and knee arthritis, and for some injuries, Dr Martin makes use of some excellent screening clinics to pick up people who are in a lot of trouble and need their appointment brought forwards.
If you have previously seen Dr Martin for the same problem, please contact the clinic and ask for a follow up appointment. You may need a new referral if the old one has expired.
Before you see Dr Martin, the receptionist will ask you to fill in a brief outline of your problem in your own words as well as some general medical history. The receptionist will also ask you to fill out a form with up-to-date contact details and a privacy consent.
Please bring any relevant discs or xray pictures to your appointment.
It can be helpful, too, if you think about what clothes to wear for your examination.